Thursday, January 12, 2012

Religion: Did we get it wrong?

Lately I've spent a lot of time focusing on how people view "religion." Specifically in the "Christian" world. I have been extremely blessed to have been raised in a Christian home, with parents who have spent their lives teaching me about the Lord. I grew up going to church every sunday and learning that was a big part of this whole Christian deal. I spent 8 years at a Christian school learning everything about my religion from simple Bible stories like Noah's Ark to an apologetics class that debated abortion, homosexual marriage, and predestination. I have had every opportunity imaginable to discover more and more about my religion.

But it wasn't until college that I began to realize some of the deep-rooted issues within my body of believers. I began to open my eyes to see that some churches I visited(unlike my home church :)) were not interested in developing or discipling me. These places had no intention of welcoming me as a fellow sister in Christ. I visited several times, only to look around every week at what seemed to be a show. Now I am not at all saying there are not genuine people who are there solely to worship the Lord, but I would say the majority of "Church-goers" these days are there for the wrong reasons and reason at all. It's the "RIGHT thing to do." We are taught in this society that being a Christian is much focused on "doing the right thing." Go to church. Don't curse. Don't drink. Don't lie or steal or cheat. Be a "good" person. Of course they tell you the most important thing actually is your relationship with the Lord, but they don't act like that is the truth. They don't spill into your life. They don't overwhelm you with open arms and ask how you're doing. How you are REALLY doing. Not many people in the church seem to be looking for friendships within the body of believers. Not a whole ton of people who share this precious belief seem to view it as something BEYOND a religion.

So I thought to myself... where did we go wrong? What does the Lord really want? What does he expect of us? Where and when are the times in my life that I have experienced God in the purest of moments. What was I doing? OF COURSE, He wants us to be good people. Of course he wants us to obey Him and his commandments. Of COURSE he wants us to attend church and to fellowship with one another. I am not saying these are bad things by any means...but I am saying we did something wrong. We twisted it. We've turned church into a weekly event and we've lost the Lord's unique design for his body of followers.

The more I learn about the Jesus.. and his life and ministry on this earth, the more I can't help but think this verse holds so much meaning for what we are supposed to do and who we are supposed to be. James 1:27- "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We are meant for something greater than a weekly event. We were designed to help others, to love others. When I ask myself the question, "What was I doing when I experienced God the most?" I immediately, always think of doing something for someone else. I think of young teenage girls that I've spent hours pouring my soul into attempting to show them a glimpse of an eternal love I've been given. I think of giving local families gifts and groceries for Christmas with my entire family. I picture building a house for an elderly couple who had immigrated to America through habitat for humanity. I think of beautiful, precious children being carefully encouraged and reminded that they are loved because they don't have anyone else investing in them. Pure, innocent, humble service is when I feel like I've accomplished something the Lord appreciates. 

I just wish that sometimes Christians would stop being so focused on the politics of it all. To Stop being consumed with what theology is correct or following every single little rule... and start realizing we serve a God who wants us to serve. He wants us to serve Him and serve others. He wants us to spend our time and energy investing in people, fighting for justice, doing good and loving. Isaiah 1:17- "Learn to do right, seek justice. Defend the opressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."  Jesus spent his time eating with the dirtiest, lowest people. He invested in the people we gawk at. He protected the people we drive by everyday and turn our heads at. He loved everyone..even the people who had made one too many mistakes or who seemed unlovable. He was the ultimate servant... why wouldn't we follow his actions?

Mark 10:42-45 -"You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo wanting to discuss this with you - beautifully written and emotionally felt. I love you dear niece
