Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finally Catching Up to My New Year..

Happy New Year to me! Shingles got the best of my first three weeks of the New Year-- but NO LONGER! :)

I am pleased to announce that I am feeling MUCH better. This week has been great... I slowly started getting back into the pace of things. Cleaned my room & the house a bit, spent time with friends, worked on a few papers for school, went to a meeting, and I even started RUNNING AGAIN!!! WOOOOO!

Yep. That's right. I'm back. My new years resolution was to start running again..and working out and start getting in shape for this wedding! A year and a half is plenty of time..right? haha :) But mostly just to be active and do something that makes me feel good. So this is day #2 of running.... and it was HARDDDD. haha I've never run in this cold of weather...which is not that cold in reality, but it's cold for me. And the cold/blood feeling in your lungs is no bueno. But I'm moving past. Slowly but surely I'll get up to long distances...

My first goal is training for The 2nd Annual Panthers Pounce on Autism 5k! This fabulous run was organized by two of my closest and sweetest friends, Lauren Gledhill and Melody Hurston. That had SUCH an incredible turnout last year and are going for bigger and better this year! So I'm trying to get in real shape so I can REALLY run. Haha

If any of you are interested in doing the run that weekend or the walk, feel free to sign up here:

That's all for now... but I'll be back with some running updates. :)


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