Sunday, March 18, 2012

What a place of peace..

Tonight, I'm sitting in my room peacefully reflecting at what a week I just had.

This past week was truly one of the best weeks of my life....
nothing INSANELY overwhleming happened.
nothing TOO huge.

but this week was filled with an abundance of the Lord's guidance and peace.
I felt Him everywhere..daily. 
This week I felt the Father moving in my heart. I felt him teaching and stretching me.
He shifted my perception and He fervently pursued me.

Through this shift I started viewing my days so differently. 
I noticed EVERY small kind way that the Lord was loving me.
I saw him working out plans in my favor. 
I saw him leading me to things that taught me, shaped me, engaged me.
I saw him giving me precious, sacred time with people I love...just to replenish my dry soul.
He was watching out for me in every way.
I felt Him standing in front of me leading me, beside me encouraging me, and behind me supporting me,

On Saturday, I spent most of my day in Atlanta at my training for Uganda.
I left training completely overwhelmed and the best way possible.
The things I saw and heard and learned about Africa were immense...
but I quickly began to tie together all the places and times in my life that the Lord has been preparing me for this. He has woven together so many people and experiences and lessons to lead me to this place.
WAY too many to describe- 

But as I reflect tonight on this precise, perfect plan He has laid out for me...
I am overwhelmed. I. Am. So. Blessed.
I am thankful and excited and nervous- 
But I cannot wait to spend 10 and a half weeks of my summer in Africa.
I cannot wait to meet these children.
I cannot wait to learn about this culture.
I cannot wait to be immersed in their lives.

The opportunities are endless and I am beyond thrilled.

So as I reflect tonight...I want to remember this feeling. This place of humble, patient, joyful servitude.
I want to remember this silent confidence in being reassured by the Creator.
I want to always come back to this place of grateful solitude.

"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll.
Whatever my lot,
thou has taught me to say...
It is well.
It is well with my soul."
-Horatio Spafford.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey,

    This is beautiful. What a blessing to feel the presence of God and know that he is working in your life. Not a better feeling in this world. I love you and pray that your trip to Uganda will be a blessing to you as well as to the people that you will minister to. Love, Aunt Becky
